Showing posts with label yellow labrador. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yellow labrador. Show all posts

Oct 16, 2015

Last Thing that Bud Saw

October 16, 2015 at 6:00 pm, sailor, hiking, ballchaser, protector, lover Bud died.
For an hour or two we lay down next to Bud, feed him sweet potato chips, gave him water, held him, and kissed him.  The only thing that he would eat was crispy stuff like tortilla chips, carrots, and pieces of pumpkin snap cookies, no more egg, salmon, or tubed beef.  Lot of sick people in pain like to crunch ice so maybe that helps Bud forget about his pain too.

Aug 7, 2014

Drunkin Sailor Dog Disorder

After the Idiopathic Vestibular (Old Dog/ Drunkin Sailor) Disease
Dogs with idiopathic vestibular disease have some combination of the following signs:

Jun 30, 2014

Cannot Keep a Good Dog Down

After discovering that my partner in crime and travels, Bud, was sick with myxoid liposarcoma, cancer of the fatty cells (soft tissue) in his chest and under his arms.  He will be going to the canine oncologist possibly to have it removed, so that I can have more time with Bud.  This cancer (I have heard) can spread to other organs, and he does not want any big masses on his chest.

Here is a collection of my travels across the USA with Bud.  Stay strong.

 We are looking into foods, spices, and herbs to help slow down the growth, turmeric (curcumin), bakers yeast, (beta glucans), apigenin (celery, apples, parsley, teas,artichokes).  I know that we can not stop it, but at least give me more time with my best Bud.


Great information before you see the doctor or oncologist from the Cancer: What Should You Ask Vet from Dallas Gold.  

Thank you!